Mogu Mogu 320ml
Mogu Mogu 320ml
Mogu Mogu is an invigorating beverage that will awaken your senses! With a delicious 320ml fruit-infused sweetness in every sip, it's a refreshingly unique way to start your day. Refuel with Mogu Mogu and experience a burst of energy! Taste the sweetness and get your daily dose of energy. It'll get you ready for whatever task comes your way - no worries! Roll out of bed and get the day going, Mogu Mogu-style!
A list of Frequently Asked Questions
When will I receive my order?
Your order will take between 1-3 business days to be shipped to your doorstep.
Are your products halaal?
Yes, Mr Smalls is muslim owned and only stocks halaal products.
Are the products which are past the "Best Before" date safe to consume?
Yes! Few of our products are past their best before date but are still completely edible PLUS you will be given a bargain price :)